Top 10 Kids Craft Supplies

The bane of any clean house is little one’s craft time. With all the possibilities in stores it can be hard to navigate what to keep stocked at all times. While lists will vary between families I decided to give you my list of favorites. HINT: It does not include glitter. NEVER will it include glitter.

Paint/paint brushes

Watercolors, finger, homemade, store bought, metallic, tropical, primary, the possibilities are endless. Now add in the 50 different types and sizes of paint brushes there are to buy and let’s not forget, bubble wrap, sponge, leaf and so many more ways to paint. Go on a nature walk to gather various nature items to identify and talk about and then bring them home and try painting with them! So many unique picture possibilities exist.
color wonder products

I’m not always a fan of these special items marketed towards the younger kids or easily washable and all that jazz. These however. These are amazing. Especially for kids that get into coloring fights on each other. The color has only ever showed up on the special paper for us. I’ve not had a problem with them leaving marks on other surfaces. Not even the paint. The paint is also a gel consistency which makes for an easier cleanup. You do have to spend more money on the special color wonder paper. Some days it is worth the investment. Especially now that the toddler wants to color everyday and everywhere.
googly eyes

Googly eyes turn every boring picture into an instant giggle fest. I’m always a fan of things that come in varieties. different colors and shapes and sizes. They are pretty easy to adhere to the surface of your choice as well. SO go out and buy a variety pack of googly eyes and see what sort of creatures your littles can create!
cotton balls

Cotton balls can be used for clouds, snow, snowmen, grandma’s hair, and even as sponges for sponge painting.  There are some great skills you can teach a child with stretching out cotton balls and shaping them on paper. Seriously, they are cheap in the cosmetic aisle and even come in some different sizes.
cheap paper plates

These amazing things become animals and hats and banners and alphabet letters. Just search on pinterest for paper plate projects. You will find enough to do to take you several years.
paper (other than printer)

Again there are countless ways to use this medium. There are so many different types of paper in patterns and colors. Heck then even have shiny paper! Tearing is a good way to work on pre-cutting skills as well. Tearing paper even has some good abstract art possibilities. Now think of all the origami ideas out there.
pipe cleaners

Cute little caterpillars? crazy antennae? Or a lovely headband? Since you can twist these together to any length needed without adhesive the creative possibilities are a mile long while the mess stays minimal.


shaped scissors

These make learning to use scissors a little bit more fun. Kids love to see the funny designs they leave and can take a simple cut and past project to a new level when making cards for friends and family.



I personally like stickers, under strict supervision, because it helps BigM with imagination and pretend play. He can easily use them to set up scenes that he might not be able to create otherwise. You can find anything in sticker form. If you can’t find it in sticker form then you can create it with adhesive paper that can be printed on.

pom poms

I love pom poms because they come in such a variety. Colors, sizes, metallic or not. They can be used in many ways as well. Eyes, noses, buttons, tails, let the imagination roll! They are also something that you can find on sale fairly easily or even in the dollar aisle if you are lucky. These are also great to use when homeschooling and for exercising those fine motor skills and the various grasps. Have the kiddos use tongs to pick them up to work on hand strength as well. Multi-tasking art projects! The best kind!

What art supplies do you keep on hand? What supplies do you refuse to stock?


2 Comments Add yours

  1. These are a few of my favorite things… We have bins filled with all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. homemademomy says:

      All of mine fit in two or so bins but I’m not allowed to have a room full or else I would!


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